Monday, July 17, 2006

Niagara Falls and the Denny's bathroom encounter

This past Friday night I ventured off to Niagara Falls with my brother, his lovely wife, and their friend Ashley who is up visiting from the States. Unbeknowest to me, there is a fireworks show every Friday and Sunday night in the summer at 10:00 pm with live (although somewhat crappy) music before hand. We got there just in time to see the show, which was pretty spectacular, except for having to endure my brother's orgasm sounds at every huge explosion. "Darren...those are sounds that as your sister, I should never, EVER have to hear you make."

It always fascinates me how mesmorized we all are by simple things; a bunch of falling water that does nothing but...well...fall. And big sparkly things that explode in the sky and make big doesn't take a lot for us to stare slack jawed at the spectacle. I'm amused by even simpler things...for example, the discovery that blueberries float at different heights. I know this doesn't sound very exciting, but put some in a clear glad plastic bag and fill it with water and I bet you'll think it looks cool too!

After the fireworks we checked out the new casino which I didn't even know existed. ie, I had always thought the old casino was the new one. How I could make this mistake, I'm really not sure...I guess the old one didn't seem that old to me. The new one was pretty nice...the slot machine ate three of my quarters. Something like that could only happen to didn't even let me spin. It hated me, and the feeling was mutual. Some of you may wonder what I'm doing to Larissa in the photo to your left...I am pulling her shirt out in a vain effort to hide the contrast between our bodies just for a bit. Remember, camera adds ten pounds...or forty...and in Larissa's case takes pounds away...we're REALLY the same size. *cough* After grabbing a free water and pop (did you know they give out free water and pop?? Although I guess in actuality I paid 75 cents for it...blast you slot machine...) we decided to observe the blackjack tables. One guy was betting hundreds on each round and going up and down thousands of dollars. I'm not fast enough at math to play...I would probably sit there looking at my cards and say"ok...face 7...that's...*counts on fingers* give me a second... ok... seventeen... hit me... 4...*more counting on fingers* 21! Perfect. Hit wait...CRAP..."

Soon Larissa's hungry kicked in and after much deliberation, we decided on...*drumroll*... Denny's. Mainly because it had pictures of the food on the menus which helps Larissa make up her mind instead of being faced with "everything looks so good!" Which still kinda happens but once she finds something she wants we take the menu away from her so she can't change her mind. We also decided that going to Denny's was like going to America. I said it should be like an American Embassy...American territory on Canadian ground, complete with grease stains on the lightshades. However, it was in the bathroom that the strangest occurence of the night took place:

*Lorraine walks into washroom and immediately is met by a female worker of about 16 or 17 years old who starts talking to her*

"Oh my GOD, I hate my hair, it's totally not working. I just hate it, I wish I had hair like yours and not this kind of hair...this is going to be the longest night EVER..."

"Oh yeah...that sucks...I think your hair looks fine."

"Really? Oh my GOD, I have to work till 7 in the morning and I hate my manager."

"Wow...long night."

"I guess I better check the bathrooms..." *she goes to last stall and takes a two second glance in: "That one's fine..." *slams door* "This one's fine..." *slams door* "This one too..." *slams door*

"That was easy."

*Lorraine starts powdering her nose*

"Oh, do you have an acne problem too?"


"I hate it so much, I have it like all over my chest and my back and stuff..."


"So where are you from?"

"Near Hamilton."

"Oh yeah, I'm from Port Colbourne."


*she momentarily leaves to take out the garbage...another women approaches the sink and has nowhere to set down her purse to wash her hands so I volunteer to hold it for her*

"Thanks. Are you from here?"

"About an hour away...where are you from?"

"Oh I'm from Michigan."

"Oh that's nice...are you enjoying your visit?"

"Yeah it's nice here."

"That girl who was in here is sooooooo weird..."

"You don't know her?"

"No, she just started babbling to me as soon as I walked in!"

"Oh, I thought y'all was friends."

*girl re-enters and cuts me off in the middle of my conversation with this other women and starts babbling again...I finish up, say goodbye to the nice Michigan lady and run out.*

I cannot begin to relay just how much and obliviously this girl babbled...I can't even remember half the stuff she said because after awhile I just tuned her out...I honestly wish I could have videotaped the encounter, I was wondering if I was on candid camera or not. Thank goodness I have a blog where I can write about such strange encounters. *hugs blog* Uhhh, sorry I'm going to need a minute alone with my blog...please come back later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, there!
I just found your blog. I think it’s really cool.
Well, maybe you don’t feel like talking to people you don’t know. But I thought it might be interesting writing here though.
Your story is quite funny. Yeah, sometimes strange encounters happen. Too bad they happen to take place in such odd locations.
Well, my name is Roberta and I live in Brazil. I love Canada. I’ve been there almost three years ago and fell in love with the country.

Feel free to write me, ok? (Even though my blog is in Portuguese).

C ya!