Monday, October 23, 2006

My Washing Machine Is Taunting Me

*note: originally written Friday October 20th

I admit it...I'm one of those terrible spoiled twenty-one-year-olds that still has her laundry done for her by her mother. One small problem this week: mom is away in Quebec City on business.

I can count on one hand - MAYBE two - how many times I have done my own laundry. I discovered very quickly that it's really not as complicated as my mother made it out to be. She always has her own little methods and stuff that I thought if I didn't do I would end up with clothes that were all pink or ripped to shreds. Now I just make sure I don't shrink anything, wash anything that is dry clean only, mix whites with colours, wash everything in cold water, put in detergent and I'm good to go!

Today was D day...perhaps L day would be more appropriate? I collected my mountain of laundry and, failling to be able to see overtop of it, groped my way to the laundry room where it spilled over, covering the floor like an area rug. Excited at the prospect of actually doing something productive for myself, I turned the dial and pulled. Nothing. I turned it again, this time a little further in to make sure it was in the 'start' region. Nothing. I tried changing the temperature of the water, the save and drain button, slamming the dial with my fist, pulling it repeatedly in and out, shouting threats littered with curses at it, and yet....still...nothing.

So in the next day or so, I have the option of going commando or buying some new underwear. Thank God it's not very cold out yet!


Larissa said...

Well, Canadian apartment laundry machines are ruining our clothes. It's frustrating seeing them acually get less clean after the washing process. I had to rewash a few shirts in the bathtub yesterday- GRRRR.
Hey, Lorraine, did you try shutting the lid? Sometimes the water won't start until the lid is closed. Just a thought. Congrats for trying!

Me said...

Yes, I shut the lid lol. It really was broken. I have done laundry before and know how to work the machine. It's now been fixed thanks to the lovely folks at Maytag.