Monday, October 23, 2006

Communications Class Poetry

I wrote the following while being bored to death in communications class tonight. My two friends liked it so much they copied it down and passed it around the class, ha. Unfortunately my classmates are the ones who will appreciate it most since they know the way our prof is...

Communications Class
You babble like a mindless drone
With stature of a garden gnome
No one hears you when you speak
We wonder when you'll shut your beak

With each loud word you slow down time
We'd like you better as a mime
You seem to forget, we're not in grade five
By the end of class we're barely alive

Full stop, noun, subject, verb
Everything we've already heard
Repeated from your cathedral mouth
Makes us want to migrate south

Nothing personal, you seem quite nice
But we already learned the comma splice
Give us something for what we paid
Or another poem will have to be made

I wondered if it was karma that the only time I received a ticket for not paying for parking on campus was tonight, after I had written this poem...

1 comment:

Larissa said...

Somehow hearing (with my mind's ear in this case) the words 'comma splice' come from someone other than me makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

(Yes, I'm weird. What can I say? I'm a Conley. :P)