Thursday, January 05, 2006


A) Back from the land of the Scots. There was fun, there was drama, there was excitement, there were tears and a whooooooole lot of alcohol. I forgot one of my most important possessions in liver. Pictures to come shortly. (Not of my liver...I left it in Scotland remember...)

B) I'm back at work. This is depressing because 1) I am not in Scotland, 2) as much as I dress up my work area with yellow flags of red lions and play bagpipe music in the background, I just can't seem to fool myself into thinking it's Scotland 3) It's work...and really, who is happy while they are at work?? Unless you have a really cool job as...say...a ghost tour guide...unlike anybody I know...specifically anybody named Euan, Chris, Chris, (no that isn't a typo) or Kev who I didn't see AGAIN or some weird guy named Andy who apparently planned to sleep with me in Euan's bed (he actually told Euan he couldn't sleep in his bed that night) but I fell asleep (passed out) in a chair instead...which is really too bad...and by "too bad" I really mean "great" and "lucky." Oh right, Andy wasn't a tour guide and just works in the office...I wonder why with people skills that advanced.

C) I've decided it's time for life construction (or perhaps deconstruction). Too often we get stuck in the redundancy of everyday life and forget what else is out there. I refuse to retreat back into my little daily's out to live life for me! Looking into schools! Travelling more! Taking risks! Drinking more alcohol! K, we'll discuss that last one...this whole mini life crisis "life is passing me by and I haven't done anything with my life yet" thing has almost peaked...and I like it. I will name it Bob and he shall be my squishy. QUICK NAME THE MOVIE...3...2..1...too late.

D) Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

E) Please refer to D.

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