Friday, November 25, 2005

Goin' Postal

So I had to go to the post office today for work. As I’m standing in line with my arm load of heavy parcels, I glance around and take in my surroundings, as one usually does when they are waiting for something. I notice there is a cart in the aisle between the two mail outlets. The cart has a bin full of boxes in it. One box is smaller than the rest and is sitting upon a bigger box. The guy infront of me, who is next in line, all of a sudden walks up to said box, and tries putting it in elsewhere in the bin to fit it in.
Now my first impression here is, ok, this guy must work for the post office and I only thought he was standing in line. No, sure enough, when it is his turn, he goes up and mails his parcel like everybody else. Now, this wasn’t just helpfully placing a fallen box back where it belongs…this was full out out trying to jam the damn thing in the bin whether it wanted to fit or not.
Does this strike anybody else as odd?? Could he not be charged with tampering with mail?? Who takes it upon themselves to do something like that?? I thought I was the only one obsessive compulsive enough to have to move something so that it fits nicely in place!

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