Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up

I bought a bike. Well, it's really the bike that my dad owes me for graduating grade 8 that I ended up buying for myself. He bought the helmet and light as compensation. (Yes, I have a helmet, light, AND a bell...it's the law people...the LAW...well...except the helmet part. You only have to wear one up to age 18. But really, who would take the risk of having their brains strewn all over the sidewalk?? Is it really worth it?? Always wear your brain bucket my friends. Brains are NOT meant for sidewalk decoration. That is why we have sidewalk chalk.)

Right. Now that the tangeant is over with, I bought a bike. It's a pretty bike, black and grey, lots of speeds and stuff...not that I really know that much about bikes, cause I really don't. I know it's a good quality bike and I can take it on trails or just for a stroll around the block if I so choose. It also came with a free water bottle and cage. Did you know that they have backpack water bottle things called camels? You just drink out of a straw that goes to your mouth and wear the water on your back...how cool is that?

Right. Now that THAT tangeant is over with, I bought a bike. I took it out two days ago over to Diana's. Now you must understand, I have only ridden a bike once since about graaade 5 or 6. So my confidence with said bike was as shaky as the handlebars under my grasp. I went slow and maneuvered over to the only busy intersection I would inevitably hit on my journey. The little crosswalk guy flashed and off I went with my pedestrian's (biker's?) right of way.

It was at this time that I noticed from my peripheral vision a truck approaching; he would have been running parallel with me had he not been turning left, into my path. He showed no sign of stopping, and we both hit our brakes at the same time. However, I think I hit mine a little harder than his. My bike jolted to a stop due to the brand new sensitive brakes, and I jolted with it; only instead of staying grounded on the bike, I somehow was jolted off of it. I couldn't put my foot down to find my balance and before I knew it, I had toppled over with my bike on top of me. After a brief moment of humiliation and realization of pain, I stumbled to my feet in time to hear the guy in the truck say "are you alright?" But not in a very concerned tone...more in a "if you're not dead I'm moving on" type of tone. Jerkface. Yes, his face was indeed that of a jerk's.

After licking my wounds on the sidewalk (not literally...clearly...OBVIOUSLY...) I pushed back some tears and kept onward. My leg is pretty badly bruised in two places but other than that I was fine. My first bike battle wounds. *sentimental sigh*

My issue is, I always feel like when I try something new I'm going to fail horribly at it. (Classic old fear of rejection type thing I guess). That's why it was so important that I go back today.

I totally took on that intersection and showed it who was boss. Oh yes. My performance was flawless. It included checking all areas around me and assuming that cars think I am invisible. My bike tires gracefully kissed the pavement as they glided me along to safety. I would have triumphantly thrown my arms in the air, however doing so I am sure would have caused serious injury or death. Thus the celebration stayed confined to my head...until I could let it overflow here. GET IT?? OVERFLOW?!? Booya...I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Larissa said...

You said you think you're going to fail when you try something new. Well, I can identify, except I also fear I'm going to fail when I'm doing something for the 40th time and have just recently been successful. Eventually I learned to live with it.