Monday, January 12, 2009

Giving Up On Comedy

*the following conversation takes place via msn between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. Events are in real time. tick. tick. tick. tick.*

Jamie: Anyway, I need to get to bed and it sounds like you do too.

Me: Yeah, I totally do. But before you go, you have to admit my joke was pretty funny, right...right??

Jamie: What joke??  Wait, there was a joke?

Me: That's quite possibly the most disheartening response I have ever gotten to that question.


E.C.Bell said...

Hi Lorraine,

Found your blog (while looking for information about weather in Edmonton in 2008, believe it or not), and couldn't stop laughing! Please -- more writing in 2009! You are hilarious.

Me said...

Hi there! Thanks so much, that means a lot. I've been meaning to! I dedicate my newest post to you. =)