Sunday, October 12, 2008

All The Good Ones Are Taken

It's just so frustrating.  Every time I find a new one that I think has potential, I find out just as soon - taken.  What's a girl to do?  You know what I'm talking addresses.

The one I currently use I have had since I was in gradeschool.  As I type, there are 286 unread emails sitting in the inbox that consist of everything from forwards I'm too lazy to read to special offers from amazon to notices that it's time to pay my utility bills.  Aside from the sheer mass of emails I receive that I neither need nor want, my user name has underscores in between each word, and gosh darn it, I'm lazy. I want a user name/email address that I don't have to reach all the way up to the numerical row to type in. Plus, trying to tell it to someone goes something like this: "Ok. So my email is 'just, underscore, little, underscore, old, underscore, me.'" A slight pain in the ass.

So off I went to gmail to see what was available. (Too much spam in hotmail. I was baffled as to why I wrote as there was clearly a Re: in the subject line. Those tricky tricky penis enlarging/sexual drive enhancing advertisers.) 

I finally figured out one I liked. One that was cute and encompasses everything I am in a simple few words.  rainyc. But...this user name is taken. *dun dun dun*

rainy.c is taken.  Lorrainey.c is taken.  I could do rainyc with a number on the end, but I have always vowed to stay away from that. It feels like selling out somehow. Sure, I could have my own unique email address, but the only thing differing it from the other rainyc's out there would be the number. I am not just another rainyc. I am an original rainyc. Some other unoriginal rainyc's just got to my username first.

I have a plethora of other names I have considered:
  • (taken)
  • (Lorraine backwards) (taken)
  • (taken) (also true story)

The only ones I could find that were available were:
Even '' is taken. It's ridiculous.

Now I know I'm making a big deal of this, I know I should just pick one and stick to it. But it's a big deal for me. So many things are linked through email nowadays. And you have to pick one that is simple, that is age friendly (I don't think my mom would love an email address like and you're not embarrassed to give out. 

And so the search continues. I'm open to suggestions.  

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