Sunday, December 11, 2005

Black Outs, Lost Luggage and Dining Room Tables Set On Fire

Who says life isn't exciting?

So I've neglected my new little hobby for the past few days...I think I've gotten intimidated since I emailed the link to everybody...instead of it just being for me now I have to like, make sure it's entertaining! I CAN'T STAND THE PRESSURE!

Anywho...Wednesday and Thursday some interesting crap went down. Well not so much interesting as annoying. We had no hydro. None at all. And to illustrate how much we take power for granted, I was packing my bag by candle light and was trying to figure out which curling iron to bring. I knew one of them didn't work but I can never remember which one. Naturally I plugged the first in to check. It didn't turn on so I logically made the conclusion that that must be the one not working. Until I remembered that neither would work since the bloody power was out. Ok perhaps that's not so much taking hydro for granted as my dim wittedness...but still...I...err...what was I talking about? Shudup!

Oh my mom had candles lit in the dining room for some reason and one of them fell over and set half the dining room table on fire before she noticed and screamed. My dad wrapped the tablecloth up and over it to smother it and ended up burning his hand a bit in the process. I stared at the pretty glowing light. I thought our table had never looked better. Naturally, not one of us thought to grab the fire extinguisher in the other room. No no...who would put those together? Fire>fire extinguisher>put out fire. family prefers to work with their hands.

To explain the last point in my title, my dad had just returned from Puerto Rico that day and Air Canada had lost his luggage. So. Thursday night. Not so fun.

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