Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's Tradition

I've taken vocal lessons since grade 7.

I originally started them to better ensure my chances at getting the part of Dorothy in our school production of The Wizard of Oz. Oddly enough, the girl who was first cast sang too loud and completely off key. This led me to question my music teacher's ear for music, and made me wonder if I was wasting my money on training that she wouldn't notice anyway.

But I ended up really enjoying the lessons and decided to continue with them after the play. (Where I starred as one of three Dorothys. Don't ask.)

It's now been *counts on fingers* well, lots of years since.

For the past four years or so, I have had my own car and been able to drive myself to said lessons.

Each year, my teacher will make a note in my book or tell me that I have no lesson the following week due to March Break.
And every year that she was told me this, I will forget, drive all the way down there, and remember while standing on her front porch.

Yesterday marked the fourth anniversary of this tradition.

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